Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Unassisted Landing

Today was a great day for sure. Today I did my FIRST UNASSISTED landing, meaning I landed that damn plane all by my-very-own-self. And it felt great, it really did.
We started out today by taking off out of KCRG, duh, and heading towards Fernandina where we did a few touch and goes there. We flew out over the coast, out over the water, which is still a little scary to me, but I asked, "Hey, you know.. like.. if the engine were to quit right now by some random chance, would we be able to land on the beach?" And the answer was yes, of course. From where we would, Sean said we more than likely would've been able to land at Fernandina as well, so that kind of quelled my fears.
So we did a few touch and goes there, about three I guess, before we took back off and headed for Cecil. Did one touch and go assisted and then the next, I did all by myself. And .. god, like.. man. I don't know what to say about it, lol, it was just fantastic. The feeling of actually having had accomplished something like that is overwhelming. It makes me feel all cocky, like I could do just about anything right now. Like fly to the moon and back, idk.
I actually didn't even realize that I'd landed by myself until Sean had said something. I was concentrating so much on what I was doing, keeping center line, watching my airspeed, concentrating on when to flare, etc etc, that I wasn't even watching Sean to see if he was helping me. It wasn't until he said, "Well Jessica, you just did your first unassisted landing." that I was like.. "well, wow. okay. Awesome."
He also introduced slow flight today, which I'm not really liking. Slow flight is basically flying the plane as slow as it will go, keeping the stall horn on for as long as possible. From what Sean said, it's also basically showing you how you do your approaches when you come in to land, except you're like.. 3500ft as opposed to about 1000. He showed me how to do it and then afterwards, I was like, "eehhh let's not do that today. Can we just do some touch and goes?" which we did.. So slow flight next time, as well as power on and power off stalls. I'm not looking forward to that at all, but hey, it has to be done, so whatev.

Until next time.

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