Friday, July 24, 2009

Flight Lesson 3

It took me a while to get around to updating this today, 'cos I was feeling kinda tired so I went to sleep and just woke up about 30 minutes ago, haha.

But anyway, I digress. The picture on the right is from my flight lesson today. Who took it, you may ask? Why, my father. I asked my dad if he would like to fly along with me sometime and he said he'd love that, so today I took him along. Sean asked me when I asked him if it'd be alright to take my dad along if I was sure I wanted to bring him along for slow flight, but I said yeah, it'd be no big deal.
So last time, Sean introduced slow flight. When he did it last time, I was kind of iffy about it, because you're flying along as slow as you can possibly go, weird angle of attack, fla
ps fully extended, with the stall horn blaring in your ear. It's kind of ingrained in you that stall horn = bad, you know? But slow flight was actually not all that bad. Sean made no hesitations in telling me that I got it down much quicker than he had expected, even quicker than he had when he did it, so that made me feel good. I don't quite have the procedure down yet, but he said that when we go up from now on, we're going to incorporate slow flight, for about 15 minutes or so, until I get it down. Fine by me, it was a breeze. Turns in slow flight are deliberate and slow (duh), and easy, though it took me a few tries to get on the correct heading, which it normally doesn't, but I didn't want to turn too fast for fear of actually stalling the plane.
So I've got slow flight down. He also asked me if I wanted to try stee
p turns today, because I've gotten to where I can easily do 30 degree turns, no problem at all. I wasn't quite sure, but he demonstrated them for me, and said if I started feeling uncomfortable, to just tell him and he'd recover the plane. Turns to the left aren't all the bad, but turns to the right, whether I'm doing it or he's doing it, are kind of weird. I guess it's because I'm sitting on the left side of the plane. Sean said when he first became a flight instructor, it was almost as if he had to relearn everything from the right side of the plane.
Did a few touch-and-goes, didn't do so well on the landings today, but ahh well, he also said that we'd do more touch and goes each time we go u
p. I'll get better. :)

Guess that's about it. I u
ploaded a ton of photos, but they're on my Facebook.

Edit: I just remembered. A little bit after we'd taken off, while we were flying out over the coast, some
people came over the frequency talking to each other, and one of the people were talking about these two F-16s flying in formation that had just flown past them. We all looked to see if we could see them, but they'd gone into the clouds. Bummer.

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