Saturday, August 1, 2009

Flight Lesson 4

Uhh.. flight lesson 4 today.
We got steep turns, more slow flight, an introduction to stalls, a few touch and goes, and a slip.

Don't feel like writing much today, but..
Taxied out, noticed the attitude indicator wasn't working, it was showing all wonky and whatnot. I asked Sean if it was a big deal and he said it wasn't, because we don't rely on our instruments in VFR flight. Then, since it wouldn't be a "distraction", he tore off a piece of paper and completely covered it up, with me going, "Aww c'mon, that's not fair!" I usually rely on the attitude indicator to tell me how steep I'm turning, and since we were doing steep turns today, I thought it might be a problem. But as we flew around, did some slow flight, and when he went to demonstrate how to do steep turns (it's more than just turning sharply, you also have to throttle up about 100rpms and remember to maintain altitude, which I found difficult), he uncovered it and it was working fine, so it was all good.
Believe it or not, my turns to the right were a helluva lot better than my turns to the left, which is funny because I find turning to the right difficult since I'm on the left side of the plane. But yeah, Sean said my turns to the left were within pts standards. Awesome. :)
Did a slip, that feels weird. From what I gathered, a slip is a way to lose a lot of altitude when you're coming in to land. You turn the aelerons into the wind and put in full opposite rudder, so the plane is coming in sideways to the runway. Before you come to the runway, you recover, slowly, and land normally.

Yeah so I guess that's it. The Warrior is going down for its 100-hr for a while and the Zenith is down as well, so I'm not sure when the next time I get to fly is. Sigh. At least I got to fly today. :D

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